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SME Green Equipment Financing Assessment Platform

In order to encourage Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to develop and participate in green business, invest in environmental protection projects, and promote green finance development, Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) launched the "SME Green Equipment Financing Assessment Platform". This online platform provides a quick and easy way to let more SMEs demonstrate the structuring of loans are in alignment with internationally recognized principles. SMEs successfully passed the assessment at pre-issuance stage will receive an Assessment Statement.

為鼓勵中小企業發展和參與綠色業務、投資環保計畫、推動綠色金融發展,香港品質保證局(HKQAA)推出中小企貸款「恒動易」平台。 這個線上平台提供了一種快速簡單的方法,讓更多中小企業證明貸款結構符合國際公認的原則。 成功通過發證前階段評估的中小企業將收到一份評估聲明。

SME Green Equipment Financing Assessment Platform 「恒動易」


Assessment Benefits

  • Participate in the global green supply chain and expand brand influence 參與全球綠色供應鏈,拓展品牌影響力

  • Demonstrate the determination and ability of green investment and establish a green image 展示綠色投資的决心和能力,建立綠色環保形象

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